
Screw the Public Enquiry - M74 is a Goer

Scotland's transport minister yesterday went against his own public enquiry's decision and decided that the £500 million extension to the M74 south of Glasgow.

"Known as "the road to nowhere", the five-mile, six-lane "missing link" motorway will be built between the Fullarton Road and Kingston junctions.

But Mr Stephen’s announcement was greeted with fury by environmentalists. Friends of the Earth Scotland described it as "the worst environmental decision ever taken by the Scottish Executive" and threatened to challenge ministers in the Court of Session.

Mr Stephen prompted the fierce reaction, including threats of direct action against the project, after ignoring the findings of Richard Hickman, the local inquiry reporter."

The Scotsman covers it here: M74 link driven past green lobby
BBC Covers it here: Legal threat after M74 decision