
Stick your tickets... all two dozen of them

The MeaniesThis is where it is and this is what it doesThe article linked below in the Evening News hightlights one person's fight against the Council for there being "some doubt" over whether they were justified.

And the vast majority of the fines, issued on Cumberland Street and Dundas Street, were cancelled after it was agreed by the council there was "some doubt" over whether they were justified.
There is a number of problems here. Why were these tickets issued when 'Bumbling Andy' Burns promised to send Enforcers on a customer care course. The second and more important question is what is the cost of this, not only to the poor person who get's ticketed but also on resources to appeal. There are all the mail costs, personnel costs.

Should we be asking for compensation if the ticket is unfairly posted on a vehicle?
Stick your tickets . . all two dozen of them