
The "Bumbling Andy" crew defend tram plans

The House of Commons Public Accounts Committe (PAC) have issued a scathing report into tram schemes throught the country.

Common sense is no reason to hold back "Bumbling Andy" Burns who has already wasted millions of the City money including the eight million on the referendum.

"we have taken a fundamentally different approach to areas such as financing, the form of operator engagement, and the integration of local bus services with trams."
This is the typical response from an idiot who doesn't have the intelligence to at least take it into consideration.

According to the Evening News, city leaders have already scrapped plans for a third tram line however in this article here it says:

It is ironic that Line 3, the only route not to receive Executive cash, is the only one that seems to meet the bulk of the preferred criteria set out in today’s report.
Let's hope that somehow, somebody sorts this mess out before Edinburgh goes down the same route as Manchester where costs rose from £282 million in July 2000 to £900m last year.

See: Edinburgh transport chiefs defend tram plans
and Too much competition